What is The Love Solution ~Heal to Succeed?

Life Mastery Academy - The Journey to Freedom

with Nadia Wong


Welcome to my world. 

You landed here for a reason, so let’s take a deeper look within to find out why

Regardless of how you feel right now, you are a leader in many people’s eyes whether you know it or or not. You may be leading a company, your kids, family members, your community, or even strangers and followers. To them, perhaps you are:

·         The one to who is their example and role model   

·         The one on whom they rely to feel loved, safe and secure

·         The one to whom they come for support, understanding, and solutions to their challenges

·         The one who they love, trust and often aspire to become

But who do YOU turn to when your inner world becomes unstable and doesn’t feel how it looks on the outside?

Contact me

Perhaps you’re tired of the struggle, aren’t coping very well with daily life, and feel trapped in a web of negativity and self-doubt? If so, that’s okay… We ALL hit a wall at various times in life.

Perhaps you are dealing with the loss of a loved one, the end of a relationship, an illness or challenges within your family life, or you simply feel you’ve lost your personal power, balance and harmony, and feel you need some support to hold everything together.

You are committed, and desire to be a source of love and strength in order to support those who need you, but you feel uncertainty in your own life, and at times spiritually, physically and emotionally drained.

You’ve simply don’t have that sense of inner peace, joy and enthusiasm for life that you crave.

Perhaps your personal relationships are not running as smoothly as you’d like, but it’s easier to ignore than to face your challenging emotions, so you struggle on in the hope that one day, things will get better.

Even when your outer world runs fairly smoothly, you feel there’s a missing ‘peace’ to the puzzle of your life.

You may tell yourself and others that you are grateful for having all that you have but deep down you don’t feel grateful, even though you know you “should”.

You’ve worked so hard to get this far but you’re still not happy, so you wonder what’s the point of it all.

And then you start to feel the shame and guilt of having everything you need and more, yet are still not happy within yourself.

You tell yourself that other people would give anything to have your life…. How dare you feel this way?

Does any of this sound familiar?


Well… This is where I can help...

Who am I?

And how can I help You?

My name is Nadia Wong. I am the founder of Life Mastery Academy, a certified Life Coach, Mind Tools for Kids Coach, an Author of 4 books, and the creator of The Love Solution - Heal to Succeed.  I’m on a Divine mission to help others to understand and embrace their true selves, enabling them to bring more love, peace and harmony to their lives and relationships

I am here to help you to know, love and accept your true self, develop self-trust and give you the confidence to thrive and shine as you were born to.

Envision this:

You wake up each morning with a grateful heart ready to face the day with joy and enthusiasm.

You have a greater understanding and clarity of who you are and why you are here.

You consistently show up filled up ready to love and serve those around you.

Your relationships are stronger and everyone around you is benefitting from the renewed energy within you.

You feel rooted in your purpose and feel inspired to share the best of you because you want to, not because you think you ought to.

You face challenges with confidence and clarity, and see them as opportunities to learn, grow and evolve.

You feel a great sense of peace within and an inner connection, regardless of what is happening in the world around you.

You feel stronger physically, emotionally and spiritually and trust that everything will work out for the best.

You trust in yourself wholeheartedly, in your abilities, gifts and talents, and openly share them with others to improve their lives, giving you a deep sense of self-worth.

You bounce back so quickly from temporary setbacks, giving you back power over your life and happiness.

You can lovingly and easily let go of things, people and habits that no longer serve you or your health and well-being.

You see the best in yourself and others, and forgive more easily, freeing yourself from anger and resentment.

You look and feel younger, feel lighter and more carefree.

Your faith in yourself and in a higher power is stronger and deeper than ever before and you emit a loving energy that pours out onto every life you touch.

You face the future with renewed passion and enthusiasm with positive expectations of a happily ever after.

Last but not least, you have a new-found confidence and have complete trust in yourself to fully lead with love for the betterment of yourself, your family and those whom you serve.


Are you Living and Leading with soul, or struggle?

How can you make this inner transformation?

By saying YES to life and taking a new and exciting journey, working with me as your personal coach, teacher and life guide, through

Option 1

  • Working with me one to one, through Life Mastery - The Journey to Freedom. Investing 12 months of your time, to reset your life, health, work and relationships… By shedding the inner conflict, fear and doubt, and leaving negative thoughts, habits and behaviours behind once and for all.

  • Free access to the Life Mastery Group Program to connect with others on this life changing journey

  • Free access to ‘The Love Solution- Heal to Succeed’


  • Months 1- 6: Dive deeply into every area of life through Life Mastery to clear and let go of that which no longer serves you, mind, body and spirit, with weekly 60 minute online sessions plus, messaging support.

  • Months 6-12: Implementation of the Life Mastery lessons with bespoke coaching to support you in whichever area of your life you choose to focus on ie. starting or building a business, improving your health and well-being, deepening your personal relationships, attracting a life partner, discovering your life purpose etc. with weekly or bi-weekly 1 hour online calls, depending on the level of support you need.

    The Investment?

  • Your time, money and attention to support YOUR well-being, mind, body and soul.

  • £4,000.00 (Payment option available)

Option 2

  • Investing 12 months of your time working with me and my team through Life Mastery Journey in a group program (Application Only - Ask for details)


  • Weekly group calls in zoom with Q&As and full support within the group

  • 10 x one to one personal sessions with me, Nadia, to breakthrough your personal blocks as you work on Life Mastery

  • Additional one to one calls available, beyond the 10 sessions included in the package, with myself or one of my team for an additional fee if requested

  • Free access to The Love Solution- Heal to Succeed

The Investment?

£1,200.00 ( or 12 x monthly payments of £125.00 )

Option 3

  • The Love Solution- Heal to Succeed ….A phenomenal life-changing 21 Day Audio program to bring more balance and harmony to your daily life, health and relationships, and enhance your life experience, now and FOREVER… in just 15 minutes a day.


  • Access to The Love Solution program with 21 downloadable daily audios

  • A bonus work book

  • Lifetime access to The Love Solution Facebook community support group

The Investment?

£100 one-off payment

Learn more here!

Are you ready to create a RICHER life for yourself and your family instead of just waiting, praying and hoping for things to change? Well, I’m holding out my hand, and you can choose whether or not to reach up and take it. The decision is entirely yours.

‘Life Mastery- The Journey to Freedom’ is simply a pathway to making the rest of your life, the best of your life… If you take it.

If you’d like to book a FREE 30 minute call to ask me any further questions about Life Mastery, we can decide whether working together is in alignment with us both. We have to feel our way through life and allow our hearts to lead the way, so this call will help us to decide if we are a good match. If you are ready to thrive, book a call here.

Love is always the answer


Love is always the answer 〰️