Journey into your Heart, Mind & Soul with me as your Soul Guide, to awaken the love within and around you.
Do you ever find yourself longing for more love, peace and joy but feel powerless over your life and happiness? Or perhaps you feel lost or alone and need direction in life?
Then The Key to a Happier Me is for you. Through opening her heart and sharing her own path to inner peace and joy, Nadia Wong, aka The Happiness Coach, lovingly takes you on a journey deep into your heart, mind and soul, awakening you to the power of the source of life within you.
As you read this book, answer the questions and apply the practical steps, you will come to know yourself and love yourself, helping you to develop self-worth and self-trust to improve all areas of your life, giving you the confidence to be the light you were born to be, unafraid to shine.
If you don’t like to read but are ready for change, check out The Love Solution, my 21 day audio program and tune in for 15 mins a day.
Your Life Your Legacy
Do you want your life to truly mean something? When you leave this earth, do you desire to leave your children an invaluable inheritance?
Then there is no greater gift than an expression of your love and devotion through sharing your deepest thoughts, feelings and life experiences written by your own hand.
Your Life Your Legacy is a journey of inner growth for parents to make peace with their past and recalibrate their lives today to clear a pathway ahead. This book is designed to remind you of the value of the present moment and help you rediscover your life's true purpose.
The 101 questions provided in this book will open your heart, mind and soul to your life's journey allowing both you and your family to gain a deeper understanding of who you truly are and the value of your life experiences.
After a near-death experience, Nadia Wong understands the reality of our mortality and the importance of living a meaningful life. As a life coach and mother, she knows that life is simply too short to live it being less than happy, not only for ourselves but for our children.
Your Legacy will bring love and hope to your family when your time comes and enable you to live on in their hearts. The greatest inheritance of all. Our legacy of love.
After coming face-to-face with death in her early twenties, Nadia Wong began searching for the meaning of life. Determined not to waste the gift of a second chance, she refused to settle for a mediocre life and began her journey of finding her bliss. Now happy, healthy and living her dream life in Italy, Nadia is on a mission to help others create their own bliss by sharing her life lessons with the world.
In this book, Nadia uses her own life experiences to help young readers understand who they are and how to deal with their emotions, and to help them prepare for life as they transition into adulthood, pointing them in the right direction. Using the six lessons contained in this book, Nadia guides teenagers and young adults through understanding what they want from life, how to tap into their personal power and how to create their own dream lives by listening to their heart instead of the noise of the world.
My Growing Heart is a recipe book that enables the reader to find out exactly what is needed to make a delicious, nutritious life that is full of flavour and enjoyment, using the right ingredients and method. Cakes dont just appear by themselves, they have to be created, just like a happy life has to be.
In conjunction with the book Your Life Your Legacy; Rewriting the past, the present and the future to create a happily ever after, this book of memories contains 101 questions, that when answered, will ignite the light within you and within those that read your heartfelt words.
My Life My Legacy is a beautiful journal that allows you to delve into the depths of your soul to leave as a legacy for your children.
It is a book of love and devotion for your family to carry with them through life, comforting them in times of need and helping them to see themselves and their lives with a greater sense of clarity.
It will not only open your heart, mind and soul for you to look inside and see the beauty within you and in your life experiences, it will bring your life meaning and purpose.
My Life My Legacy is more than just your words, it is a lifeline and a little piece of your soul.