Taken from The Key to a Happier Me… Opening the doors to life’s true treasures


DOOR #4…




Happiness flows as self-love grows


Opening Door #4 and showering ourselves in its truth is of paramount

importance when creating happiness in our lives. I believe that if we

were all our own best friends and loved ourselves more, the world

would be a happier place for everyone. There would be more love

and peace surrounding us because we would no longer compete

or compare ourselves with others, and our need to be recognised

or acknowledged for our looks, work, or talents would, therefore,

diminish. We would cease seeking value in society and stop striving to

attain worldly treasures to feel a sense of worth. Most of all, we would

be happier in our relationships because we would no longer expect

or demand others to love us for us. Instead of looking to be loved, we

would focus on being love.


If you were to apply only one lesson in this entire book, this is the

one I would recommend, not because it is the most important, but

because with this lesson firmly in place in your heart, mind, and

soul, everything else you learn will fall naturally into place. I know

this because, for me, this was the last piece of the puzzle I needed to

complete myself.

When we do not feel whole, life becomes about a search for something

to fill the emptiness within. Some may turn to drugs, alcohol, sex,

gambling, or other addictive behaviours to give them a temporary fix,

 but when the high wears off, they come back down with a thump,

and they are left with an even greater sense of emptiness. They can

become trapped on a rollercoaster of highs and lows, feeling both

euphoric and worthless as they desperately seek that sense of wholeness.

The truth is that the only thing to fill that void is pure unconditional love,

but not from an external source. I’m talking about love from within.


We make the mistake of wanting others to love us, continually searching

and striving but never quite achieving it when we leave our happiness

in the hands of others. However, the only way to create sustainable joy

and love within ourselves is to build it. The only love we truly need

with which to strongly connect is that of our soul and the source of

that love.

We are ‘The Ones’ for whom we spend our lives searching, and no

other person – be it our spouses, partners, or children – can make

us complete.

Earlier in the book, we started this journey towards knowing who we

are, and now it is time to learn to love that beautiful soul being and

become our own best friends, but before we begin, ask yourself these



• If your best friend were feeling down, would you tell her that

others disliked her, that she was ugly, fat, useless, or not good or

worthy enough, or would you lift her up and remind her of all

her excellent qualities?

• If your best friend were feeling unwell, weak, and in need of

some loving care, would you bring her unhealthy, processed

foods you know will make her feel worse, or would you make

her fresh and naturally healthy foods to help her feel better,

stronger, and that will give her more energy?

• If she needed to feel some love and kindness in her life, would

you put her down, ignore her, and carry on as if nothing

was wrong, or would you take some time to listen to her and

understand what she needed from you?

• If she were tired and needed some rest, would you tell her to

keep busy, work harder, and guilt her into feeling bad for resting,

or would you encourage her to rest to regain her strength?

• If she were fearful and needed moral support, would you put

more doubt into her mind by telling her all the things that

could go wrong, or would you talk her through it with love and

kindness and remind her that she is worthy and capable?


The question is: are you your own best friend? If you pride yourself

on being a good, kind, and loving human being, do you extend that

courtesy to yourself?

Your Life Your Legacy
Nadia Wong Nadia Wong

Your Life Your Legacy

Taken from The Key to a Happier Me… Opening the doors to life’s true treasures

DOOR #4…


Happiness flows as self-love grows

Opening Door #4 and showering ourselves in its truth is of paramount

importance when creating happiness in our lives. I believe that if we

were all our own best friends and loved ourselves more, the world

would be a happier place for everyone. There would be more love

and peace surrounding us because we would no longer compete

or compare ourselves with others, and our need to be recognised

or acknowledged for our looks, work, or talents would, therefore,

diminish. We would cease seeking value in society and stop striving to

attain worldly treasures to feel a sense of worth. Most of all, we would

be happier in our relationships because we would no longer expect

or demand others to love us for us. Instead of looking to be loved, we

would focus on being love.

If you were to apply only one lesson in this entire book, this is the

one I would recommend, not because it is the most important, but

because with this lesson firmly in place in your heart, mind, and

soul, everything else you learn will fall naturally into place. I know

this because, for me, this was the last piece of the puzzle I needed to

complete myself.

When we do not feel whole, life becomes about a search for something

to fill the emptiness within. Some may turn to drugs, alcohol, sex,

gambling, or other addictive behaviours to give them a temporary fix,

but when the high wears off, they come back down with a thump,

and they are left with an even greater sense of emptiness. They can

become trapped on a rollercoaster of highs and lows, feeling both

euphoric and worthless as they desperately seek that sense of wholeness.

The truth is that the only thing to fill that void is pure unconditional love,

but not from an external source. I’m talking about love from within.

We make the mistake of wanting others to love us, continually searching

and striving but never quite achieving it when we leave our happiness

in the hands of others. However, the only way to create sustainable joy

and love within ourselves is to build it. The only love we truly need

with which to strongly connect is that of our soul and the source of

that love.

We are ‘The Ones’ for whom we spend our lives searching, and no

other person – be it our spouses, partners, or children – can make

us complete.

Earlier in the book, we started this journey towards knowing who we

are, and now it is time to learn to love that beautiful soul being and

become our own best friends, but before we begin, ask yourself these


• If your best friend were feeling down, would you tell her that

others disliked her, that she was ugly, fat, useless, or not good or

worthy enough, or would you lift her up and remind her of all

her excellent qualities?

• If your best friend were feeling unwell, weak, and in need of

some loving care, would you bring her unhealthy, processed

foods you know will make her feel worse, or would you make

her fresh and naturally healthy foods to help her feel better,

stronger, and that will give her more energy?

• If she needed to feel some love and kindness in her life, would

you put her down, ignore her, and carry on as if nothing

was wrong, or would you take some time to listen to her and

understand what she needed from you?

• If she were tired and needed some rest, would you tell her to

keep busy, work harder, and guilt her into feeling bad for resting,

or would you encourage her to rest to regain her strength?

• If she were fearful and needed moral support, would you put

more doubt into her mind by telling her all the things that

could go wrong, or would you talk her through it with love and

kindness and remind her that she is worthy and capable?

The question is: are you your own best friend? If you pride yourself

on being a good, kind, and loving human being, do you extend that

courtesy to yourself?

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